My class LOVED the story of Moses. We have spent 2 weeks learning about Moses. What an amazing story he has.
Week One: Moses as a baby
Unfortunately, this part of the story is not in the Jesus Storybook Bible. I wanted to include this story because for a 3 & 4 year old, babies are apart of their life and they are interested in it. Most of them have younger or new baby siblings.
Memory Verse: God protects us. Psalm 121:7
Craft/Journal: Baby Moses in the River
After watching the Beginner's Bible Story: Moses we made our own baby Moses and placed it in our journals. The children had a lot of fun creating their own baby Moses.
Idea Credit: Pinterest -
was easy to make. I had my WONDERFUL aide glue the blue construction
paper into their journals. Then I used our school die-cut machine to
make the head (mini circle die-cut) and body (mini tag die-cut). I drew
on the face too. I quickly cut out a brown oval (color and shape of the
month). The students practiced their cutting skills by cutting strips of
green grass. Then they glued the basket and grass onto the blue
construction paper. Then the glued baby Moses into the basket. They were
SO proud of their pictures.
Week Two: Moses - Burning Bush, Plagues, Red Sea and 10 Commandments
A LOT to fit in!!! We watched all of the Jesus Storybook Bible videos.
The kiddos loved retelling the story. They were into the plagues,
especially the frogs.
Memory Verse: God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
curriculum had these great templates for the cloud and fire! We talked
about how God was always with the Israelites and that He used a cloud
during the day and fire at night to lead the way. My aide cut out and
glued the cloud and fire to construction paper and then to craft sticks.
Each child had 2 sticks. It is easier for them to know what to hold up
to reenact the story.
Once they were done coloring, we all lined up to reenact the story. I was Moses and they were the Israelites. Right before we started the reenactment, I had an idea to give each child a tap light that they would light up when it was "nighttime." They thought it was amazing! To finish it off, we walked through the red sea (our tables) and sat on the other side, aka our rug.
I am excited for next week: Joshua and the Battle of Jerhico.
Once they were done coloring, we all lined up to reenact the story. I was Moses and they were the Israelites. Right before we started the reenactment, I had an idea to give each child a tap light that they would light up when it was "nighttime." They thought it was amazing! To finish it off, we walked through the red sea (our tables) and sat on the other side, aka our rug.
I am excited for next week: Joshua and the Battle of Jerhico.
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