Saturday, September 13, 2014

In a Flash...

Just like that, in a flash, the year is done!
What a year it has been. No amount of college classes could have fully prepared me for the year I have had. It has been a memorable year, with many twist and turns and up and downs. 

Top 5 Things I have learned:

5. There is a LOT of information out there. I will never be able to do all of it, even though I want to.
4. Build a relationship with you colleagues and your boss. It is important to have them on your team.
3. Take the extra mile to connect with your families. Whether it is creating free time in the morning to talk with parents. Coming to school early or staying late and keeping the door open. They appreciate the relationship they have with their child's teacher.
2. A great support system is ESSENTIAL! Thanks to all of you who encouraged, listened, and supported me throughout the year.
1. God is faithful. He was with me each and every day.

Top 5 Highlights of the year:

5. Funny Quotes
4. Our Christmas Party!
3. Our Grandparents Day Program - Let It Go!
2. Our new classroom!
1. Seeing my kiddos faces everyday!

Looking forward to year two!

Year Two...

Year TWO!!!
How is that possible? At times I think I should still be attending classes, and other times it feels like I have been teaching for many, MANY years!
8 days in and I am lovin' my new bunch of kiddos. Our Preschool and PreK program is busting at the seems. It is amazing to see God's work in our school. What a privilege I have to love on these kiddos and teach them about the Lord.

This year I am teaching with two friends from college. It is crazy how God works. Never in a millon years would we have thought that we would be teaching together and now here we are!

I can't wait to see what God has for us this year. It is going to be a GREAT year. 

Welcome back to school.